Monday, May 20, 2013


What is Authenticity?

Authenticity is like God's essence coming through you. Authenticity is to be who you are meant to be on this planet. That's your authenticity.

There is nobody else out there like you, not a SINGLE one. Your authentic self is your unique expression here. It's INCREDIBLY powerful.

Think about that. Out of the billions of people in this world, when you are tapped into your authentic self, you are unlike any one of them. And, they are all unlike you.

Your success comes from authenticity. When I'm looking at a potential business deal or opportunity, I'm not looking at numbers, statistics, stats, and things like that. I mean, I am, but my PRIMARY consideration is the authentic expression of the person behind it all.

What are they about? How REAL are they? What does my heart say about this person and this opportunity? What does my soul say about this person and opportunity?

When someone is outside their authenticity, it's like a layer of immaturity is laid over on top of them. They don't know themselves yet. They are not expressed. I would NEVER feel confident in doing business with someone who was not expressed. 

That is how it comes through in business. If you see someone's real self is showing up in all aspects, pervading all aspects of their business, you can get a feel for whether or not you truly RESONATE with that person.

This goes out to your clients. This goes out to your customers. This goes out to joint venture partners. This goes out to people who support you in all ways, shape, and form.

If they see the real you and they like the real you, then they are on board as a customer, as a client, as a supporter, or as a partner. 

If they see and they have to think:

"Is that the real him? I don't really know. I'm not quite sure." 

They are not on board.

You're not ALLOWING your true clientele and partners, the people who are meant to support you in your life, to align with you. By being outside of your own authenticity, you are not allowing the universe to support you with the people who are AUTHENTICALLY aligned with who you are, what your vision is, and what you are doing.

So, authenticity is the foundation for success because it allows everything that is meant to be in your life to magnetize to you. It allows the right customers to magnetize to you - the right clients and partners. It's all about your authenticity shining. 

Be  yourself, everybody else is taken, you got so much to give to the world.   

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