Monday, May 20, 2013

Life and Death.

"One day, I am going to die." 

What this is going to do for you is allow you to stop wasting time on things that do not add to your life or add to the world. 

Your minutes are the only thing in this world that has a LIMITED amount of. Everything else, there is an infinite ABUNDANCE and infinite possibility of creation. The only thing that there is a definite limit on is your minutes on this earth. There is a finite limit to that.

So, I invite you to take this awareness, this ownership, of the fact that you are going to die someday and use it to EMPOWER you to truly live. 

Somebody who really owns the fact that they are going to die someday, would they waste time mindlessly flipping the channels on TV? NO, because someday you are going to DIE.

When you get real with this, it empowers you to really live. 

Death is an illusion anyway. You are not this physical body. You are not this mind. You are an infinite soul.  

Someday, I will leave this planet. Someday, I will leave this body. So, it makes me feel like "I better get moving NOW because I do not know when that is going to be". 

 I hope this has been helpful and a reality call to those that read this. Share this post, send me feedback on what you think. Live life the way you want to, do what you love, love what you do, Spend time on what matters most. Peace and Love 

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