Monday, May 27, 2013

Popeye's view

I shot this with my Canon Rebel T 3. Street Art in Soho,NYC. I tried to take it as I was Popeye.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Flashback Sunday

I had the opportunity to do photography for the junior knicks league by my good friend Richard in the referee attire earlier this year and J.R.Smith stopped by to show everybody love. Good times.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Young Money In Paris.

If you are a real music fan and you pay attention to the latest news and headlines, you would know by now that Y.M.C.M.B. just signed Paris Hilton. A somewhat talented Artist in her department of what gave her claim to fame.  To a die hard Hip Hop fan and music fan it has me extremely disappointed, the music industry gets less credible when transactions like these tend to happen when you have millions of unsigned artists waiting to change the world and make money to strive for a better live. To Sum up my reaction to this overwhelming news  here's a picture. 

Stress FREE

Thoughts are the poison" 

Thinking and thoughts are the poison.

This is becoming more and more pertinent and OBVIOUS in our world. People are getting more and more stressed out. We are getting more and more inundated with all the different inputs. We got social media, TV, streaming, work, email, and chat. 

People are calling us. It's a complete sensory OVERLOAD on our brains. 

The reason that thinking is the poison is because thinking will keep you running around and around inside your head, inside the ego. 

Inside this present moment, inside here and now, there is NO thinking about the future. There is NO worry about the past. There's no anxiety. There's no discontent. There is only PRESENCE.

To experience the joy and the bliss of that presence, it takes NOTHING in the mind and everything from the heart. To be present in the here and the now to deal with stress, simply think less and connect it down to your heart more.

Here's a simple visualization that actually helps me achieve this.

See your consciousness, as maybe a glowing orb at the center of your head, see it travel down into your heart and sit there. Be there, inside your heart. 

See the moment starting to liven up and the increase in beauty of the current moment and of how things look right now. See if your stress does not start to melt away.

This is going to have other benefits for you besides making your life less stressful. It's also going to allow you to connect to other human beings more powerfully. It's also going to allow your energy to EXPAND. And, it's going to allow you to tap into your intuition -- your intuitive instincts -- much more clearly.    

So, with ALL the diligence and thinking, it really gets trumped by feeling. That just shows you the importance of your feelings and of being able to sit inside your heart on a business level.

But on a life level, in your everyday existence, it's going to allow you to remove a TON of stress. When you are at the mall and you know you've got to be quick because you have to pick up the kids. Then, you've got to cook dinner. And, you are thinking about all these things. 

All those things are going to happen, regardless if you are thinking about it or not. But if you are thinking about it right now, man are you going to be stressed out.

Flow through your day. Try to calm your mind. Sit inside your heart. Keep your mind as empty as possible as often as possible. And see how much more presence you get to enjoy, how much life you get to actually live, and how much stress gets removed from your existence.   

You only live once. Live life the best way you can. Find your happiness, Find your peace. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Real love is.......

Quick post for the day.

I remember when loving somebody and being in love with somebody was just between you and another person. Nowadays some people be loving A,B,C and D  When one of the letters act up. Commitment is rare these days, especially since people get the benefits of a relationship without doing so with people that are okay with being an option.

Real love is..... Real love is hard to find.

What's your definition of real love?  Share this post, send feedback of interested.

Monday, May 20, 2013


What is Authenticity?

Authenticity is like God's essence coming through you. Authenticity is to be who you are meant to be on this planet. That's your authenticity.

There is nobody else out there like you, not a SINGLE one. Your authentic self is your unique expression here. It's INCREDIBLY powerful.

Think about that. Out of the billions of people in this world, when you are tapped into your authentic self, you are unlike any one of them. And, they are all unlike you.

Your success comes from authenticity. When I'm looking at a potential business deal or opportunity, I'm not looking at numbers, statistics, stats, and things like that. I mean, I am, but my PRIMARY consideration is the authentic expression of the person behind it all.

What are they about? How REAL are they? What does my heart say about this person and this opportunity? What does my soul say about this person and opportunity?

When someone is outside their authenticity, it's like a layer of immaturity is laid over on top of them. They don't know themselves yet. They are not expressed. I would NEVER feel confident in doing business with someone who was not expressed. 

That is how it comes through in business. If you see someone's real self is showing up in all aspects, pervading all aspects of their business, you can get a feel for whether or not you truly RESONATE with that person.

This goes out to your clients. This goes out to your customers. This goes out to joint venture partners. This goes out to people who support you in all ways, shape, and form.

If they see the real you and they like the real you, then they are on board as a customer, as a client, as a supporter, or as a partner. 

If they see and they have to think:

"Is that the real him? I don't really know. I'm not quite sure." 

They are not on board.

You're not ALLOWING your true clientele and partners, the people who are meant to support you in your life, to align with you. By being outside of your own authenticity, you are not allowing the universe to support you with the people who are AUTHENTICALLY aligned with who you are, what your vision is, and what you are doing.

So, authenticity is the foundation for success because it allows everything that is meant to be in your life to magnetize to you. It allows the right customers to magnetize to you - the right clients and partners. It's all about your authenticity shining. 

Be  yourself, everybody else is taken, you got so much to give to the world.   

Life and Death.

"One day, I am going to die." 

What this is going to do for you is allow you to stop wasting time on things that do not add to your life or add to the world. 

Your minutes are the only thing in this world that has a LIMITED amount of. Everything else, there is an infinite ABUNDANCE and infinite possibility of creation. The only thing that there is a definite limit on is your minutes on this earth. There is a finite limit to that.

So, I invite you to take this awareness, this ownership, of the fact that you are going to die someday and use it to EMPOWER you to truly live. 

Somebody who really owns the fact that they are going to die someday, would they waste time mindlessly flipping the channels on TV? NO, because someday you are going to DIE.

When you get real with this, it empowers you to really live. 

Death is an illusion anyway. You are not this physical body. You are not this mind. You are an infinite soul.  

Someday, I will leave this planet. Someday, I will leave this body. So, it makes me feel like "I better get moving NOW because I do not know when that is going to be". 

 I hope this has been helpful and a reality call to those that read this. Share this post, send me feedback on what you think. Live life the way you want to, do what you love, love what you do, Spend time on what matters most. Peace and Love 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Girls Love Beyonce

I love Jay-Z  and Beyonce and i'm happy she's pregnant again but ima let you finish. You got a 50 million deal from pepsi, H & M deal for your clothing line, signed a luxury shoe deal, superbowl appearance and a highly expensive ass tour currently going on with NO NEW SONGS and you're taking a break when it's done? now your pushing  back your album? I personally feel she just milked everyone including her fans off their valuable money for what it's worth with nothing new in return to give them. I would be pissed if i was a stan lol.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sometimes life is a blur

Fuck you

So i walked up to this guy with an unusual sign and asked him what was the reason for it. He said every morning he wakes up with one feeling that controls his whole day, well this was his feeling lol.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Allow me to introduce myself ladies and gents

My name is Jamal- Malcolm Douce, you can call me Malcolm x Jr on black history month, my momma named me after the person who played Theo on " The Cosby Show " . I'm a 21 yr old male from Brooklyn, NY. I am a photographer, a poet, a comedian ( watch out Kevin Hart ) a poet ( Andre 3000 ain't got nothing on me ) and a somewhere philosopher ( hey everybody is to a point). I love long walks to the fridge And my favorite food is cookies. Welcome to my blog,  through this blog I will share to you my life, my photography work and the meaning behind it, my take on a few things and I will be giving uplifting advice to those who might need it. Let the story begin. Peace  and love.