Thursday, June 6, 2013

Love Life

This is not something that we're going to put off to later. This is not something that waits for our success or for this person or for this thing to show up. How can we start loving our life right now?

What we're actually talking about here is ALIGNMENT. We're talking about getting you fully aligned with who you are and what your actions are on a daily basis so that you actually know, from the depths of your being, that your expression on this planet and in this life is being FULFILLED. 

Alignment comes when the actions you take on a daily basis match up with the thoughts you're thinking and with who you TRULY are in your heart.

If you're not in alignment, first don't make yourself wrong for it. Most people are NOT in alignment. It's actually a dance, so-to-speak, to get there. It's a never-ending journey of deeper and deeper alignment. But, we can get you started right NOW in a very simple way.  

Loving Life -- Getting Rid of What Sucks Your Energy

The first thing you need to do in order to get an awareness of where your alignment comes from is to ask yourself:

"What are the things I currently do that make me feel the most stuck, the most stagnant, the angriest, and the most frustrated? "

"What are the things I currently do that rob my energy the most?"

Answer that question. Take the time to really lay it out and be real with yourself. What are you doing that is STEALING your energy? Out of all those things, what can you stop doing IMMEDIATELY and create a plan to do so as soon as possible?

For a lot of us, the quickest, easiest answer looks like:

"Well, my job does that to me but I can't quit my job because I need money."

Well, those questions are only meant to get you aware of it. It doesn't mean you have to quit your job tomorrow, but it means you DEFINITELY go and create a plan of how to leave that job behind because if it's out of alignment, it's out of alignment. You only have one life to live. Do you want to live it miserably? Or, do you want to live it with joy, passion, peace, and love?

What of those things can you stop doing right now and for which of them can you create a plan for? Or, can you at least open your mind to creating a plan for it? Start that conversation.  

How to Love Life -- Adding More of What You Love, Now!

Now that we got these stuff cleared out of the way, let's talk about how to actually get into a deep, fulfilling place of alignment. How to REALLY love your life? Starting right now!

First, ask yourself: "What do I LOVE to do?" 
What do you love to do? Just make a simple list of it: "I love skiing and I love laughing. I love sharing time with friends, I love travelling, etc. Make a list!"

Then, ask yourself: "How can I start doing these things now?"

It might not always look the way you want it to look or the way you think it SHOULD look. Often the reason we stay out of alignment for a long time is because we think you have to get to some place in your life where you can then feel alignment:

"Yes, I'll accept alignment after I make this much money." 

The problem is that you're then actually holding yourself back because if you get into alignment, the money will come so much FASTER. The next iteration of your life, the next joyous iteration will manifest so much more rapidly. 

So, make a list of what you love to do and ask yourself: "How can I start doing these things now?" 

And literally, miracles will come through that action plan for you. You'll be going and doing things and you won't quite see how, but it all lines up to take you to that next most aligned place. From that next most aligned place, you'll see where there's even greater alignment to be added and then, you go and create that. 

Always ask yourself: "What do I love to do and how can I do it more now?"  

Everything takes times, but think about those certain things and have the proper alignment to how you want to live your life.  Peace and love. 

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